Plastic straws

Effective Apr 22, 2020:

  • All types of plastic straws are banned, including plastic-labeled or described as compostable or degradable, and plastic made from plants. (Except flexible plastic straws, which must be provided for accessibility.)
  • Accessibility requirement: Flexible plastic straws, individually wrapped in paper, must be provided to customers upon request. 

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Complying with the by-law

Accessibility requirement: flexible plastic straws individually wrapped in paper

photo of flexible plastic straws individually wrapped in paperAll food vendors are required to stock flexible plastic straws individually wrapped in paper and provide them on request.

Flexible plastic straws meet the widest range of accessibility needs [review comparison table (286 KB)] and ensure that customers who are unable to drink without a straw, or have difficulty drinking, can safely consume beverages and nutrition. 

The accessibility requirement within the plastic straw by-law sets the highest standard for accessibility among plastic straw bans and prioritizes inclusion for all people in Vancouver’s diverse communities. 

Flexible plastic straw specifications

  • Plastic (made from fossil fuel products such as polypropylene)
  • Must have a flexible section near the top that allows the straw to bend and stay in place
  • Suggested minimum length of 19.5 cm when the straw isn’t stretched, and approximately 0.5 cm in diameter
  • Individually wrapped in paper

Flexible plastic straws cannot be made from plastic that is labeled or described as compostable, degradable, or made from plants or other biological materials. These plastics may dissolve in hot liquids or cause allergic reactions, and do not meet the accessibility requirement.

Purchasing flexible plastic straws

A list of suppliers that stock flexible plastic straws individually wrapped in paper is available. 

Review a list of suppliers (43 KB)

 Menu icon

Add this icon to your menus to show customers that you are in compliance with the plastic straw by-law and that flexible plastic straws are available for customers who need them. 

Download the menu icon (556 KB)

About the menu icon

  • The menu icon was developed in consultation with the City of Vancouver's Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee
  • The wheelchair symbol is the International Symbol of Access. The menu icon uses this symbol for the following reasons:
    • The symbol is widely understood by the general public
    • The symbol helps to reinforce that flexible plastic straws should be provided to people for accessibility needs 
    • For non-disabled customers, the symbol reinforces that flexible plastic straws are not for their convenience, but are available for people who need them to safely consume beverages and nutrition
  • The menu icon is not intended to imply that flexible plastic straws are only for people in wheelchairs. The City acknowledges that people with visible and invisible disabilities or medical conditions may need flexible plastic straws to safely consume beverages and nutrition.