Pay online through your bank, it's the quickest and easiest way. You can also pay at an ATM or dropping off a cheque.
There are several different ways to pay your utility bill.
Utility pre-authorized withdrawals
Utility pre-authorized withdrawals authorize the City of Vancouver to automatically withdraw the amount you owe for your utility payment from your bank account on the due date.
Access your utility account online
Set up an online account. You will need your access code from your bill.
- Set up ebilling to get your next bill by email
- View past bills and payment history
- Track your utility consumption history
Tell us how we can make your payment experience better
We offer several ways to pay your utility bills, permits, and by-law fines. Let us know what payment methods you use and your experiences with them. Your feedback will help us enhance our payment processes.
Take our payment experience survey
Online banking
Pay your utility bills online through your Canadian financial institution’s website.
You must add the City of Vancouver as a payee for utilities in your account.
Know your bank's transaction cut off time for online payments. Transactions made before the cut off time will be processed the same day. Transactions made on or after the cut off time will be processed the next business day.
Financial institution | City of Vancouver payee name |
Bank of Montreal External web site, opens in new tab | Vancouver City of Utility |
CIBC External web site, opens in new tab | Vancouver (City of) Utility |
Coast Capital Savings External web site, opens in new tab | Vancouver City Utilities |
PC Financial External web site, opens in new tab | Vancouver (City of) Utility |
RBC Royal Bank External web site, opens in new tab | VANCOUVER UTILITIES |
Scotiabank External web site, opens in new tab | VANCOUVER UTILITIES |
TD Canada Trust External web site, opens in new tab | VANCOUVER (CITY OF) UTILITIES |
Westminster Savings Credit Union External web site, opens in new tab | Vancouver - City of - Metered Water Bill |
Vancity Savings Credit Union External web site, opens in new tab | VANCOUVER (CITY) - UTILITIES |
Make sure that you add your current seven-digit utility account number (which appears on the front of your utility bill), and that you update this number if you move.
Mail your payment
Mail a cheque to pay your utilities:
Revenue Services, City of Vancouver
PO Box 7747
Vancouver, BC V6B 8R1
Make your cheque payable to the City of Vancouver. For security reasons, do not mail cash. Credit card cheques are not accepted.
Make sure to record your utility account number on your cheque.
Pay in person
24-hour mail slot
Place your cheque into the mail slot at the south entrance of City Hall at 453 W 12th Ave.
Make your cheque payable to the City of Vancouver. For security reasons, do not pay in cash when using the mail slot.
Credit card cheques are not accepted.
Make sure to record your utility account number on your cheque.
Revenue Services
Go to:
Development and Building Services Centre
515 West 10th Avenue
Business hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, except statutory holidays.
Are you selling your property?
Request a meter reading
Learn how to request a meter reading if you are selling property, preparing for new tenants, or other changes to your property.