Spay or neuter your dog

Having your pet spayed or neutered is an important decision as a pet owner. It's not only better for your pet, but better for the animal population in general.

All dogs older than six months old are spayed or neutered before they are adopted or fostered out from Vancouver Animal Control, and most veterinarians advise that pets should be spayed or neutered.

What is spaying and neutering?

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures used to prevent pets from reproducing. Spaying refers to the removal of the uterus and ovaries from female pets. Neutering refers to the removal of the testicles from male pets.

Why should I have my pet spayed or neutered?

Animal overpopulation

Animal overpopulation is an on-going problem in many places. Pets that are not spayed or neutered:

  • Often have litters that their owners hadn't planned on.
  • Can have multiple litters every year.

This leads to:

  • Animals becoming homeless.
  • Over-crowded animal shelters.
  • Millions of animals a year being destroyed.

Vancouver Animal Control only puts down animals as a last resort, so we encourage all pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered and help prevent these problems.

Health and happiness

Pets that have been spayed or neutered have a greater chance of living healthier, happier lives because they:

  • Have a lower risk of cancer and related health issues.
  • Avoid health problems while pregnant.
  • Are less aggressive and less likely to fight over a potential mate.
  • Are less likely to get lost or hit by a car while roaming the streets looking for a mate.
  • Are more affectionate and people-oriented.
  • Get along better with other pets in the home.

Cost savings

The cost of spaying or neutering is easily offset by other savings:

  • No or fewer bylaw violations due to pets running off to find a mate.
  • No costs of caring for unplanned-for litters.
  • Lower medical costs due to reduced health risks.

Will it hurt my pet or change its natural way of life?

Surgery is done under general anesthetic, so the pet will not feel anything. The procedures are common and low-risk, and most pets recover quickly with only minimal discomfort immediately after the operation.

For more information on spaying or neutering, and the fee involved, contact your veterinarian.

Contact Animal Services

1280 Raymur Ave
Vancouver, BC V6A 3L8

Phone: 604-873-7000
Fax: 604-871-6862

Animal Services hours

Daily, 10am to 6pm

Pet adoption 

By appointment only.


Closed on holidays.