Swimming pools Lane Rentals

Rent a pool or lane

Rent our pools and swim lanes for your private events, swim clubs, scuba diving lessons, and more.

Rates are hourly and don't include tax. Staffing is extra. Rates are subject to change.

Prime-time rates apply during times when pools are busiest and vary by location. For pool availability and rental inquiries, contact the specific pool.

General rental rates (for reference only)

Outdoor pools

Facility Pool (per hour) before April 1 Lane (per hour) before April 1 Pool (per hour) as of April 1 Lane (per hour) as of April 1
Kitsilano Pool $1,149.71 $153.59 (137.5 metres) $1,230.19 $164.34 (137.5 metres)
Second Beach $751.10 $53.89 (50 metres) $771.58 $57.66 (50 metres)
New Brighton $431.36 $27.66 (25 metres) $461.56 $29.60 (25 metres)
Maple Grove $431.36 N/A $461.56 N/A

Indoor pools

50-metre pools (Hillcrest Aquatic Centre, Second Beach Pool, and Vancouver Aquatic Centre)

Rental type Rate (per hour) before April 1 Rate (per hour) as of April 1
50-metre tank $439.79 $470.58
Lane $55.78 $59.68
Section $147.06 $157.35
Diving tanks $147.06 $157.35
Tot tank* $32.35 $34.61
Lecture/Party Room $33.25 $35.58

Staffing is extra.

Other pools

Rental type Rate (per hour) before April 1 Rate (per hour) as of April 1
All other pools - 25-metre tank* $167.03 $178.72
All other pools - Lane $28.20 $30.17
Kensington full tank $125.12 $133.88
Kensington shared use (½ tank) $69.37 $74.23
Templeton teach tank* $32.35 $34.61
School rentals - special
Templeton and Lord Byng*
$86.55 $92.61

Staffing is extra.

Indoor pool block rentals

Facility Rate before April 1 ½ day Rate before April 1 Full day Rate as of April 1 ½ day Rate as of April 1 Full day
50-metre pools N/A $4,182.34 N/A $4,475.10
All other pools N/A $1792.42 N/A $1,917.89

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