School Food Grants

Key dates

  • Term: Summer 2022 to 2025
  • Applications open: Tuesday, March 15, 2022
  • Application deadline: Friday, April 22, 2022 at 4:30pm

All applications must be submitted through VanApply.

The School Food Grant funds efforts that provide school-day meals to students in or adjacent to Vancouver school settings. In particular, programs must:

  • Provide healthy, nutritious, culturally appropriate school-day meals for children attending Vancouver schools in a non-stigmatizing manner
  • Pilot approaches and food service models that reflect and respect the local context of the school, and build on local knowledge, skills, and relationships
  • Support the principles, goals, and actions of the Vancouver Food Strategy and aim to address issues such as food access, diversity of voices and inclusion, and resilience
  • Align with the vision and principles of the Coalition for Healthy School Food, whose work was endorsed by Vancouver City Council in 2020


Contact us

Social Policy Grants

Past programs

Programs previously funded through School Food grants: