Promoting your arts and culture event

We have a variety of ways that you can promote your organization's arts and culture events:

Promotional avenue Details For further information
Posters and brochures at Community Centres

We will distribute 10 pre-bundled brochures and one poster to each of our 24 Community Centres. 

Posters can be a maximum letter size of 8.5"x11".

 Handbills are not accepted and the event must be within Vancouver.

Mail or drop off
4575 Clancy Loranger Way,
Vancouver, BC V5Y 2M4

Phone: 604-257-8689

Posters and brochures at Public Libraries We will distribute 25 pre-bundled brochures and one poster to each library branch.   How to use this service
Outdoor postering  We remove posters on street furniture and hydro poles. Use our poster cylinders instead.  View a map of poster cylinder locations
Street Banner and Flag program Promote your special community event with a banner or flag on City streets.      Learn more about this program 
City Hall Lights program Display lights to celebrate a significant cultural or religious event embraced by the community.   Rajpal Kohli, Equal Employment Opportunity

Phone: 604-873-7709

Advertising programs for non-profit arts & culture groups

Transit Shelter Advertising Program

Provides free access to transit shelter advertising space to non-profit arts organizations based in Vancouver.

Video Screen Advertising Program

Provides free access to airtime on a video billboard for promotional messages about public arts and cultural events or activities.