Are you an established or an emerging arts or culture organization that needs a well-equipped venue to produce an event?
Check out the Theatre Rental Grants Program. Restrictions apply, so view the documents below for all of the details.
Current status
Applications open: now available
Applications due: March 20, 2024
Eligible applicants
- Vancouver-based, non-profit, professional arts or culture organization
- In operation for at least six months before the application deadline
- Mandated to present, produce, create, or develop arts and cultural work
- Actively promote your events to a citywide audience
Eligible projects
Your organization may apply for this grant to rent:
- The Orpheum
- The Annex
- Vancouver Playhouse
- Queen Elizabeth Theatre
Grant funding can pay for:
- Venue fees, including the services of some City of Vancouver IATSE technicians during your theatre rental
- Some front-of-house fees
- Technical days and rehearsal uses
The funding can't pay for:
- Fundraising events for a third party (such as a group other than the applicant society)
- Events that aren't aligned with the society's mandate
- Administration charges (insurance, licences)
- Taxes (GST)
- Technical service charges above what's included in a technical day (stage crew wages, dance floor installation, piano tuning, and so on)
- Audience services labour for pre- and post-show events and receptions, and charges for merchandising, licensing and commission, additional security, stage door, and so on
- Stage crew wages beyond what is included within the rental fee
How to apply
- Read the information guide PDF file (284 KB)
The information guide has details about:
- Program description and objectives
- Eligible applicants and activities
- Rental rates
- Contact the Vancouver Civic Theatres Theatre Rental Grant Administrator to confirm your organization's eligibility, check on venue availability, and complete a booking request form.
- Phone: 604-665-3028
- Email: peter.kendall@vancouver.ca
- If your group and project are eligible, we will email you an invitation to apply online.
Contact Vancouver Civic Theatres
Location and mailing address
Vancouver Civic Theatres
649 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 2P1