Commercial businesses permits

Find out what kind of permits you might be required to have to do business in Vancouver.

Temporary Expedited Patio Program (TEPP)

The Temporary Expedited Patio Program (TEPP) will end on October 31, 2021. All TEPP patios must be removed by November 1, 2021.

City Council has approved a new Summer Patio Program to launch in 2022. These patios will be permitted between April 1 to October 31. All Temporary Expedited Patio permit holders will be invited to apply for the new ongoing Summer Patio Program soon.

Building permit for kitchen ventilation

Businesses with commercial kitchens need City-approved kitchen ventilation and fire protection systems to safely remove greasy vapours.

Occupant load permit

The permit indicates how many people, maximum, can safely use a gathering space such as a restaurant or assembly hall. Learn more and apply.

Patio permit

Restaurant or cafes can get a patio permit. Permits are available for a patio located on a sidewalk or on your establishment's property.

Produce and flower displays permit

Permit to set up produce and flower arrangements outside existing businesses.

Sign permit

Understand when you need a permit to install signs and awnings, and apply online. Once issued, install your sign or awning, and book inspections.

Wastewater discharge permit

This permit regulates the amount and quality of industrial wastewater that businesses may discharge into City sewers.

Information for businesses

Electrical permit

You will need an electrical permit to perform most electrical work except for replacing switches, bulbs, and making minor repairs to an installation covered by an existing annual electrical permit.

Renovate a small business space

Find out how we can help small business owners plan a renovation, move, or start a business.

Starting or expanding a small business

Key resources to to help you start or expand your business in Vancouver.