Businesses in parks

Permits and information for performers, artists, instructors, and people who want to operate a business in Vancouver's parks and centres.

Business taking place in parks

Painters and visual artists

Apply for an artist permit to create and sell artwork in Stanley Park and other artist locations in Stanley Park and Queen Elizabeth Park.

Private recreation activities

Want to host a private or commercial recreational activity in a Vancouver park? Find out if you need a permit and how to get one.

Private rehabilitation training in fitness centres and using pools for private businesses

If you are a rehabilitation professional, you may be able to work with your clients in Park Board fitness facilities. Register as an external rehabilitation specialist.

Park food vending permits

Permit, application, and general information for park food vendors and food cart operators.

Busking and entertainment

Find out what is required to busk in Vancouver streets.

Insurance requirements for filming, event, and facility use

We require that you carry liability insurance for events or activities that you hold on or in a City or Park Board property.

Contact us

  • Questions or concerns about current tenants or operators:
  • Corporate sponsorship and marketing activities (example: handing out samples): 604-718-5890