How Water Remembers art project

How water remembers - A participatory art project in Vancouver's Chinatown

How Water Remembers 水記得:

Participate in How Water Remembers, February 14 to March 14, 2022

How to find the guardian creatures

Find all ten How Water Remembers guardian creatures and win a prize!

  • Ten guardian creatures that did live or could live in False Creek have been placed in ten bus shelters across the city for you to find and “collect”.
  • The first five people to collect all ten win a set of guardian creature cards that were designed by Laiwan, with illustrations by Karlene Harvey, Marlene Yuen, and divination texts by Cindy Mochizuki.
  • Visit other parts of the city during your quest for the creatures.

Deadline: March 20, 2022

Collect cards by visiting participating Chinatown shopkeepers

Support Chinatown shopkeepers. You can make a number of visits to Chinatown to collect them.

Throughout 2022, guardian creature cards will be distributed through the 20 Chinatown shops until cards are all distributed.