How the Sea2City Challenge works

Sea2City Design Challenge was organized around three rounds of advisory sessions and workshops with groups established for the project. Accompanying the 3 rounds were public learning events and other activities. 

The third and final round of public engagement included a one-day, inter-team design charrette for a fifth Sea2City challenge site for teams to apply lessons learned through the challenge process.


Person pushing stroller along a timeline

Round 1
Getting started

Sept - Oct 2021

Round 2
Early ideas

March - April 2022

Round 3
Refine ideas

June - July 2022

  • Select teams
  • Team orientations
  • Public events
  • Early concepts - what can be done?
  • Community and technical review
  • Public events
  • Refine concepts - what have we learned?
  • Community and technical review
  • Public events
  • Sea2City Design Charrette - putting learning into action

Design teams

At each step of the process, the two participating design teams will work closely with our project team and two other advisory groups.

 A youth program, the Youth Adaptation Lab, was delivered in partnership with CityHive, a youth-led and youth-focused civic engagement organization. The Youth Adaptation Lab ran from September 2021 to July 2022.