Rail Corridor Strategy history

  • March 1995: Vancouver City Council approved the Industrial Lands Strategy, which included False Creek Flats as an area to be retained for industrial uses that are transportation related and serve the downtown.
  • March 2001: Council gave approval-in-principle to the False Creek Flats Structure Plan.
  • September 2005: Council requested that Vancouver Port Authority, Gateway Council, and railway companies prepare a detailed rail operation and network study of the False Creek Flats and waterfront rail support yards.
  • January 2007: Council authorized the City to enter into a contribution agreement with Transport Canada for the False Creek Flats Rail Corridor Strategy (under the Federal Government’s Transportation Planning and Modal Integration Initiative). Its aim was to identify preliminary road, rail, and bicycle grade separation concepts along the Burrard Inlet rail line.
  • June 2008: Transport Canada, with Port Metro Vancouver (PMV), the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, TransLink, and the Greater Vancouver Gateway Council began the South Shore Trade Area Study. The study identified bottlenecks in the transportation system serving the PMV South Shore terminals, and identified infrastructure projects that improve rail and terminal operations, while addressing community and environmental issues.
  • October 2008: The False Creek Flats Rail Corridor Strategy was completed, with participation from Port Metro Vancouver, the Greater Vancouver Gateway Council, TransLink, Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST), and the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition (VACC). The study identified Powell Street Rail Grade Separation (Powell Street Overpass) as providing the highest rail benefits, and opportunities for cycling, pedestrian and transit improvements.
  • February 2009: City Council gave approval in principle to proceed with the Powell Street Overpass Project. Final approval would be subject to establishing a successful funding agreement.
  • March 2009: Transport Canada completed the South Shore Trade Area Study, which included a recommendation to give high priority to the Powell Street Overpass and the Stewart St Elevated Road. The Powell Street Project was also identified for federal funding through the Asia Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative.
  • March - June 2012: Staff consulted with Powell Street Overpass area businesses, residents and community groups about the project, and invited questions and comments. Project definition report was prepared and included preliminary design, cost estimates, risk assessment, and property acquisition investigation.
  • 2011 - 2012: The City of Vancouver’s Transportation Plan is updated to set goals and directions for transportation decisions from now until 2040.
  • July 28, 2014: The Powell Street Overpass project is complete.
  • May 17, 2017: City Council approved the False Creek Flats Area Plan.
  • November 2018: City announces intent to initiate a Community Panel process to identify an arterial alignment through False Creek Flats which would align with the final overpass over the Burrard Inlet rail line.