A healthy city for all goal 1: A good start

A good start


Vancouver's children have the best chance of enjoying a healthy childhood.


85% of Vancouver’s children are developmentally ready for school when they enter kindergarten.


Our experiences as children and youth affect our development and health throughout life. Investment in all aspects of child development, including quality childcare and early learning, is an investment in the sustainability of the city.

Considerations for healthy good starts include:

  • Physical, social, mental, emotional, and spiritual development
  • Loving and secure attachments
  • Housing and neighbourhoods
  • Family income
  • Clean environments and quality food
  • Health and childcare

Progress we've made so far

Healthy City Dashboard

Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.

Explore the Healthy City Dashboard

Hover on data points for more information.
Data Source: UBC HELP, Early Development Instrument

Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets

Childcare in Vancouver

Childcare enables parents to work, receive education and training, and to participate in and contribute to their communities.

Vancouver Food Strategy

The Vancouver Food Strategy is a plan to improve our food system, making the city more equitable, sustainable, and economically healthy.

Neighbourhood planning projects

Community plans are important road maps that provide clear but flexible frameworks to guide positive change and development in neighbourhoods

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Updates, documents, and background

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