Goal 10: Expressing ourselves

Expressing ourselves


Vancouver has a diverse and thriving cultural ecology that enriches the lives of residents and visitors.


Increase public participation and community engagement in arts and culture by 25%


Participation in arts and culture is critical to building a vibrant, livable and healthy city.

Arts and cultural events include a wide range in the community, including:

  • Large scale performances
  • Art galleries and exhibits
  • Street festivals and small-scale community art projects

Each type of activity plays a different but important role in improving our individual and collective well-being.

Progress we've made so far

Healthy City Dashboard

Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.

Explore the Healthy City Dashboard

Artists & volunteers

Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets

Arts and culture

We have a vibrant arts and culture scene from public to performance art, and more.

Vancouver Public Library

Meets your lifelong learning, reading, and information needs to create an informed, engaged, and connected city.

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Updates, documents, and background

Get the full details about the Healthy City Strategy.