Adequate income and access to a broad range of healthy employment opportunities.
Reduce the city’s poverty rate by 75%, and an increase the median income by at least 3% every year.
Income is a strong determinant of health and well-being. While Vancouver is a growing, thriving city, we also have high poverty rates, and many people struggle to make ends meet.
Making ends meet and working well means:
- Ensuring that income is more evenly distributed
- Ensuring healthy work environments and jobs
These steps benefit us as individuals, but they also benefit our families, our communities, our employers, and the economy as a whole.
Progress we've made so far
Healthy City Dashboard
Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.
How we measure change
We use a number of data sources to monitor trends in the health of the city. We monitor progress toward Making Ends Meet and Working Well using data from the federal census program, income tax returns, employment surveys and policy research.
2015-2018 Priority actions
Steps toward achieving this goal in the first four years of the Healthy City Strategy.
Success stories
Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets
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Updates, documents, and background
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