Goal 8: Active living and getting outside

Active living and getting outside


All Vancouverites are engaged in active living and have incomparable access to nature.


  • All Vancouver residents live within a five minute walk of a park
  • Increase the rate of people meeting Canadian physical activity guidelines by 25%


Staying active and having access to outdoor spaces is a big part of our health as citizens and communities.

Regular physical activity improves our health and reduces our risk of numerous chronic conditions. As children, it supports our healthy development, and in adulthood, staying active may help to reduce physical and mental limitations.

Natural spaces in an urban setting influence the well-being of entire communities. Accessible green spaces improve social cohesion by providing sites for interaction, and help create a healthy, functioning ecosystem.

Progress we've made so far

Healthy City Dashboard

Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.

Explore the Healthy City Dashboard

Source: Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets

Facilities and schedules

Find fields, courts, golf courses, ice rinks, fitness centres, pools, water parks, marinas, and community centres.

Transportation 2040 Plan

Our plan provides a vision for how people and goods move in and around Vancouver for the next 30 years.

Parks, gardens, and beaches

Visit one of the stunning parks, gardens, and beaches in Vancouver.

Recreational activities

Take a look at the types of recreational activities we offer in Vancouver, from swimming to pottery.

Climate Emergency Action Plan

Our plan focuses on cutting carbon pollution from our biggest local sources: burning fossil fuels in our buildings and vehicles.

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Updates, documents, and background

Get the full details about the Healthy City Strategy.