Healthy City Strategy Goal 4: Healthy human services

Healthy human services


Equitable access to high-quality social, community, and health services.


A family doctor for every Vancouver resident, and increase number of citizens who report having access to services when they need them by 25%.


Connecting to care can be a critical first step on the long road to greater mental and physical health and well-being. The Healthy City Strategy promotes an integrated approach to human services. We want to ensure that all Vancouverites have access to the services they need to thrive.

Human services include support for:

  • Physical illness or injury
  • Career and training help
  • Assistance for new parents
  • Instances in which we need counselling or support
  • Vulnerable populations who may face multiple barriers to accessing services

Progress we've made so far

Healthy City Dashboard

Check out the latest way to find information about health and well-being in Vancouver. View the status, trends, and graphs of health indicators and export the data to use elsewhere.

Explore the Healthy City Dashboard

Percentage of adults who report having a family doctor
Source: Vancouver Coastal Health, My Health My Community Survey; 2013 and prior from Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey.

Initiatives helping us reach these goals and targets

Community centres

We operate 24 community centres. Find out where they are and what programs and services they offer.

Community grants

To help build strong communities in Vancouver, we offer a range of grants funding for non-profit social groups and neighbourhood organizations.

Health clinics, training, and groups

Learn about City community health clinics, professional first aid training certification, and health and wellness programs.

Mental health and addiction

Learn how the City is reducing the harm caused by alcohol and drug use - and ensuring that people get treatment - without sacrificing public safety. Get links to mental health and addiction resources.

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Updates, documents, and background

Get the full details about the Healthy City Strategy.