Germaine Koh, an internationally active, Vancouver-based artist, is our first-ever Engineering Artist-In-Residence.
Koh works collaboratively with our team to explore the work of Engineering Services with a specific focus on opportunities for public art within our operations, facilities, and capital construction projects.
Public art, as a form of civic dialogue and a way to connect with a city, goes hand-in-hand with Engineering Services’ work. The engineering systems that form the backbone of our city connect us in many often unseen ways. The goal of this program is to bring those connections to the forefront of our minds and our communities and celebrate part of what makes our city great.
Ongoing and completed projects
Painting on the Sewer Lines
In relation to the major sewer infrastructure upgrades that took place along Nanaimo St in summer 2019, the Artist-In-Residence Program hosted an event that invited the community to participate by making their mark on our newest sewer pipes.
Demo Model
Demo Model is a small structure built by the City’s skilled workers, from materials obtained though the deconstruction of houses under the City’s Green Demolition bylaw.
The All Staff Challenge Series
Challenges designed to help unify our work culture during the disruptive time of the COVID-19 pandemic and to encourage creative problem solving and collaboration.
Data points – City Hall’s new interactive display
An interactive display installed to visualize data concerning our city's environmental impacts and demonstrate how they are connected and interdependent.
Sewerscape is proposed as a semi-permanent installation to be realized alongside major sewer infrastructure changes happening throughout the city.
Green Events water wagon
We currently have three ‘water wagons’ – temporary drinking fountains with bottle fillers – that hook up to fire hydrants to provide safe, waste free, water distribution to public events.
An augmented reality (AR) project which if realized, would reveal hidden and future infrastructure through your smartphone’s screen.
About the artist
Germaine Koh is a Canadian visual artist based in Vancouver known for her work exploring the systems that surround and shape our everyday lives.
Her exhibition history includes, but is not limited to, Musée d'Art Contemporain in Montreal, The Power Plant in Toronto, and Vancouver’s own Contemporary Art Gallery and Vancouver Art Gallery.
Formerly an assistant curator of Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Canada, Koh was a recipient of the 2010 VIVA Award and a finalist for the 2004 Sobey Art Award.
Learn more about her work External web site, opens in new tab