10th Ave - Segment 5, Kingsway (Quebec St to Guelph St)

Vehicle traffic can be heavy on 10th Ave near Main St at Kingsgate Mall.

The 10th Ave bikeway didn’t have a seamless connection at Prince Edward St, which created conflicts between vehicle and cycling movements and prioritized north-south vehicle traffic over east-west cycling traffic.

Delivery access to the Kingsgate Mall will continue until the mall site is redeveloped.

Key objectives

  • Upgrade 10th Ave so it is safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities
  • Improve comfort and accessibility for people on foot
  • Accommodate the loading and access needs of adjacent businesses
  • Preserve as much of the street’s healthy and mature tree canopy as possible
  • Ensure residents on 10th Ave can continue to park within a reasonable walking distance of home

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What's happening

The final phase of construction for the street improvements from Main St to Prince Edward St were completed in August 2019. The work included:

  • Upgrades to the traffic signal at 10th Ave and Kingsway
  • Rehabilitation of sidewalks and pavement
  • Installation of protected bike lanes

Project timeline

Here is our process and anticipated milestones.

  • Summer 2015

    Project launch

  • Fall 2015

    Listen and learn open houses

  • November 2016

    Public Open Houses: Recommended design

  • March - October 2018

    Phase 1 construction

  • April to August 2019

    Phase 2 construction

  • We are here

What we heard

There was strong support for several aspects of the initial design. However, a number of issues were raised, including concerns:

  • On impacts to vehicle access and circulation for residents living southeast of the Kingsgate Mall
  • Around the need for two-way vehicle access to/from the lane on the south side of 10th Ave between Kingsway and Prince Edward St
  • On impacts to access and circulation on E 11th Ave between Prince Edward St and Kingsway, and on 10th Ave between Prince Edward St and Guelph St

The feedback received helped us refine the recommended design prior to implementation.