Along this stretch of 10th Ave, there are several school pick-up and drop-off areas. It is also near a future Broadway Subway station and intersects the City’s new Arbutus Greenway
Improvements to this segment will be coordinated with construction of the Broadway Subway and serve as a temporary detour for the Arbutus Greenway during the construction.
Key objectives
- Improve comfort and accessibility for people walking
- Upgrade 10th Ave to make it safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities to cycle
- Accommodate the vehicle loading and access needs of adjacent businesses, schools, and future Millennium Line SkyTrain station at Broadway and Arbutus
- Preserve as much of the street’s healthy and mature tree canopy as possible
- Ensure adjacent residents can continue to park within a reasonable walking distance of home
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What's happening
Fall 2019
The type of construction for the interim design is temporary in nature and will be replaced at a later date with more permanent infrastructure such as concrete paving and curbs.
The construction is now complete. We continue to monitor and review the functionality of the design and receive public feedback about traffic pattern changes before developing the final design.
In the meantime, we've heard some concerns from the public and school community, and have created an information package for residents, businesses, parents, and visitors to the neighbourhood to address some of these immediate concerns. This package includes circulation and parking maps, as well as safety tips and a guide to street signage in the neighbourhood.
There will also be increased enforcement of parking and travel behaviour in the coming weeks.
View the interim construction information package PDF file (1 MB)
Here is our progress and anticipated milestones.
Summer 2015
Project launch
Fall 2015
Listen and learn open houses
Fall 2018
Key stakeholder consultations
February 2019
Open house and survey/p>
Summer 2019
Interim design construction
We are here
Spring 2020
Engage with public on interim design
To be determined
Construction of final design