Advanced Water Metering Infrastructure Pilot

What you need to know

The Advanced Water Metering Infrastructure Pilot is for properties with a water meter already installed.

It will be introduced in stages and will expand as we grow our water meter program.

Advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) technology:

  • Can make our data collection more efficient
  • Has several cost and water conservation benefits for everyone

Did you know toilets use treated drinking water to flush and are one of the largest indoor water users?

City staff have seen worst case scenarios with leaky toilets wasting up to 7,000 litres of water each day at a cost of $6,900 each year. That’s more than 10 times the cost of installing a new toilet and roughly 1,750 times the recommended daily water intake for most adults.

We currently use a drive-by system to collect data from water meters every 2 months. This system is reaching the end of its useful service life.

To improve our data collection, we are piloting Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) technology. 

Understanding advanced meter infrastructure (AMI)

Security and safety of AMI

Contact us


Phone: 604-829-9522