Ice hockey

Ice hockey in Vancouver

Vancouver has eight rinks where you can play or practise ice hockey in a class or on a team.

Vancouver also hosts the Vancouver Canucks NHL team who play at Rogers Arena and the Vancouver Giants WHL team who play at the Pacific Coliseum.

Register for recreation programs and services

Our registration and reservation system is easy to navigate and helps you plan, track, and manage all your recreation requests in one place.

If you are a new user, setting up your account is easy with an email address. Just create a password, complete your profile, and you’re ready to go.

Register for activities

View rink schedules

Public skate schedules

Review public skating and ice hockey schedule for all of our 8 ice rinks.

Ice rinks in Vancouver

Ice rinks

We have 8 indoor ice rinks. Review their locations, features, and amenities.

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Ice skating

Vancouver has many opportunities to learn and enjoy ice skating. Some indoor rinks have ice available all year.