rendering of car share vehicle on city street with people and bikes

Car-sharing, carpooling, and ride-sharing

Car-sharing networks spread the use of a few vehicles between a number of drivers.

Carpooling and ride-sharing help to reduce the number of cars on the road. Choose sustainable driving habits to help Vancouver reach its Transportation 2040 goals.


Need a car but don't want to own one? Join a car-sharing organization to gain access to hundreds of vehicles that you can rent by the minute, hour, or day. Save the expense of owning and maintaining your own vehicle, including the gas and maintenance costs.

Vehicles are conveniently located throughout Vancouver and can be reserved online, by smartphone app, or over the phone.

The following car-share operators are currently in service in Vancouver:

Carpooling and ride-sharing

Add others to your own daily car commute, or join another driver who travels in the same direction.