Slow Streets are routes for walking, biking, and rolling that also accommodate emergency services and local vehicle access.
Launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Slow Streets made it easier for people to exercise and access businesses in their neighbourhood. The initiative has since helped to reshape how we view and use local streets, providing a safe and comfortable street environment for different users.
Slow Streets were first designated using signage and temporary barriers. In 2023, the network was refreshed with more permanent gateways to reduce maintenance costs and encourage drivers to slow down when entering local streets.
What's happeningWe’re monitoring how concrete Slow Street gateways affect traffic speeds in 2024
In February 2023, we installed Slow Street gateways using concrete barriers where local streets intersect major streets. These gateways encourage drivers to slow down as they enter the neighbourhood. We have been monitoring these locations to make sure they are working as intended. Based on our monitoring, as well as feedback from residents and business, we continue to make adjustments to the gateways.
In 2024, we will continue to monitor the effects of the Slow Street gateways through speed data collection. We will use this information to determine long-term traffic calming treatments that reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety for neighbourhoods.
About the Slow Streets initiative
Mid-April 2020
Prototype | Kits Point
May to August 2020
Waves 1 to 5 installed
- 40 km of Slow Streets installed with temporary barriers and signage
September to December 2020
Wave 6 and traffic calming upgrades installed
- Additional signage and concrete barriers installed on selected Slow Streets
- Collected public feedback on the changes
Fall/winter 2020
Review | Public feedback
Spring 2021
Wave 7 and traffic calming upgrades installed
- Additional signage and concrete barriers installed on selected Slow Streets
- Collected public feedback on the changes
Late 2021/early 2022
- Review the network and community feedback to determine next steps
Summmer 2022
Confirm Slow Streets refresh
- Plan to retain Slow Streets network, replacing temporary barriers with gateways and signage
Late 2022
Implement refresh
Late 2022 and beyond
Monitor changes
February 2023
Install Slow Street gateways
Summer to fall 2023
Monitor changes and adjust
We are hereSpring to summer 2024
Collect speed data
Contact us
Contact information, partner agencies, and website policies