Northeast False Creek Stewardship Group

The primary focus of the Northeast False Creek (NEFC) Stewardship Group will be to advise City staff on: 

  1. An approach to public engagement
  2. How to address City Council’s 11 Guiding Principles PDF file (140 KB) for planning the NEFC area
  3. How to acknowledge and incorporate social, historical, and cultural significance from a citywide perspective into the NEFC Conceptual Plan

Terms of reference

The purpose of the Northeast False Creek Stewardship Group is to:

  • Bring a broad variety of perspectives to the planning process
  • Advise City staff in securing and maintaining the vision set out in the Northeast False Creek (NEFC) Conceptual Plan approved in the Removal of the Viaducts Report (2015) for a new neighbourhood and major waterfront park

Expectation of service is until the end of the Council term in 2018.

Activities will include:

  • Regular meetings – frequency of which will depend on need – with City staff, Park Board staff, site developers, and so on
  • Outreach to individual networks to seek advice or opinions at strategic points in the detailed planning and implementation of the NEFC Conceptual Plan
  • Development of a set of key considerations related to arts and culture, environment, and economics for design and programing to realize the NEFC Conceptual Plan while advancing Council’s guiding principles
  • Attendance at workshops and public events
  • Staying up-to-date and knowledgeable on planning content including related Council policy such as the NEFC Conceptual Plan and Guiding Principles, Viaducts direction, the DTES community plan, and the Flats planning process outcomes

For more details on the scope of work, refer to the December 15, 2015, administrative report East False Creek Stewardship Group - Terms of Reference and Recommendation Process (410 KB).

Note The City of Vancouver reserves the right to suspend or terminate its call for applications at any time without further explanation or notification; however, if the process is suspended or terminated the City will attempt to notify all applicants directly and will issue a public update.  The City assumes no legal duty or obligation to any applicant and does not owe any duty of care, fairness or impartiality in the selection process.  The City may accept or reject any or all applications without providing reasons.  Subject to the applicable provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (British Columbia) and other applicable legal requirements, the City will treat the information provided by each applicant in confidence.  Each applicant consents to the City contacting any references named by the applicant.


The Stewardship Group is made up of 16 members who have demonstrated strong leadership and knowledge that reflects Council's 11 Guiding Principles for NEFC:

  • Michael Alexander
  • Deborah Carlson
  • Wayde Compton
  • Janine de la Salle
  • Bruce Haden
  • Landon Hoyt
  • Vincent Kwan
  • Bob Laurie
  • Patsy McMillan
  • Ross McMillan
  • Amy Nugent
  • Anthonia Ogundele
  • Ann Phelps
  • Ericka Stephens-Rennie
  • Sinead Stinson
  • Henry Tom


The Stewardship Group will work in tandem with staff, stakeholders, City Council, and the Park Board.

Resources for Civic Agency members