False Creek South Planning Advisory Group

The City of Vancouver is embarking on a neighbourhood planning program in False Creek South with the community and broader public to address future land uses, affordable housing, transportation, public realm, and sustainability issues.

Phase 1 of the planning program will focus on the underdeveloped sites on the community edge.

The False Creek South Planning Advisory Group (PAG) will play an important role during this phase by:

  1. Advising City staff through review and evaluation of Phase 1 plan materials at key points
  2. Providing feedback on the approach and progress of the public engagement process
  3. Reflecting a diverse range of neighbourhood and citywide perspectives

Thank you for applying

Thank you to everyone who applied for the False Creek South Advisory Group.

Due to a change in timing of the planning program milestones, the convening of the Advisory Group has been delayed so as to make the best use of volunteer time.

Read the terms of reference (923 KB)