Aerial view of False Creek South and Downtown

False Creek South Neighbourhood Planning Program

The Council-approved False Creek South Provisional Vision Statement and Guiding Planning Principles ("Vision and Principles") are intended to set the foundation for the long-term planning of False Creek South.

The Vision and Principles are an outcome of an extensive ten month consultation process with residents, surrounding communities, and the broader public.

Long-term comprehensive planning for False Creek South will occur at an appropriate time, when greater clarity is reached on lease negotiations for City land in the community.

What's happening

Phase 1: Planning complete

On May 16, 2018 Council approved the adoption of the False Creek South Provisional Vision Statement and Guiding Planning Principles. Council also approved a pause in the neighbourhood planning process so that strata, co-op, and non-market lease negotiations can take place with residents before further detailed planning work for the area takes place.

Learn more about Phase 1

Council approves the Provisional Resident Protection and Retention Plan

This provisional plan is intended to create a safety net that can support resident and community retention in the event of resident displacement triggered by development, redevelopment, or end of lease terms.

Facts about the area



Burrard Bridge
Fairview Slopes
Cambie Bridge
False Creek

Land area

Land area

55 hectares
(136 acres)



Around 5,600 people
(2016 Census)


False Creek South is a unique community known as one of Vancouver’s pioneering waterfront communities for inner city living. It represents the best planning practices of the 1970s and 1980s, and remains a thriving and sought-after community today.

Eighty percent of the land in False Creek South is owned by the City through its Property Endowment Fund, with the remainder owned by other levels of government or privately owned.

Between 1976 and 1986, during the buildout of False Creek South, much of the City land was leased to tenants via long term (typically 60 year) ground leases. The majority of these leases are due to expire between 2036 and 2046. Learn more about leases on City land.


Project timeline

Here is our process and anticipated milestones.

  • May 2017

    City Council approves terms of reference

  • Summer 2017

    Launch the neighbourhood planning program

    • Explore the vision for the neighbourhood
  • Fall 2017 and Winter 2018

    Develop a provisional resident protection and retention plan, vision statement and guiding planning principles

  • Summer 2018

    Report back to City Council

  • We are here

Phase 1: Summer 2017 to summer 2018

Our Neighbourhood Planning team worked with local residents and the broader public to define a community-wide vision and planning principles to guide an overall vision for the future of the neighbourhood.
Our Housing Policy team developed a provisional resident protection and retention plan to:
  1. Ensure that residents on land leased from the City of Vancouver have affordable housing options that provide support and protection if there are issues with redevelopment, renewing leases, or ending leases in the coming decades
  2. Address a variety of possibilities in False Creek South and provide a clear, lasting safety net for local residents
  3. Build on existing City policies for protecting market renters during redevelopment and create new policies to cover all types of tenures on City-owned land in False Creek South


Provisional vision statement 

A renewed False Creek South enhances the living legacy of the community in realizing incremental growth in an equitable, innovative manner.

It is a place where a diversity of people live, work, interact, shop and play, and where strong social and physical connections exist.

It is a resilient and sustainable neighbourhood in the city core.

Provisional guiding planning principles 

  1. ​Support strong social connections through community design
  2. Increase housing capacity and choice including affordable options
  3. Respect the unique character and pattern
  4. Model leadership in integrated sustainability and resilience
  5. Improve connectivity and accessibility
  6. Plan for diverse and integrated transportation options
  7. Create areas for focused activity
  8. Engage and enhance the water's edge
  9. Engage community and city-wide stakeholders in a meaningful way
  10. Develop a fiscally responsible approach