Granville Street Planning. Illustration is of character-defining neon signage and other key elements from Granville Street.

Granville Street Planning

We are creating a plan to help shape the future of downtown Granville Street and imagine how this iconic and lively entertainment district at the heart of Vancouver will transform in the future.

The new plan will seek to:

  • Advance reconciliation, equity, and accessibility
  • Support arts, culture, and heritage in Vancouver
  • Prioritize programs that support gender-based and overall safety
  • Expand and enhance public space to support a range of activities
  • Protect and strengthen job space
  • Expand tourism
  • Improve connections to active transportation and transit

What's happeningShare your thoughts on the Granville Street Plan: Proposed Directions

The Granville Street Planning Team is happy to announce the launch of engagement on the proposed directions for Downtown Granville Street.

Starting February 4, you will have the opportunity to learn about and share your feedback on the proposed directions, which have been shaped by diverse voices through previous engagements.

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