Crofton Manor planning and development study

What you need to know

Wall Group and Revera Living have proposed to redevelop Crofton Manor. The proposal is to amend the existing CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District to permit a renewed Crofton Manor and the addition of housing and community uses, including public open space.

The 5.65 acre site currently houses the Crofton Manor seniors’ care facility. This facility is in need of a renewal to better reflect changes in care and to serve its residents. Retention and replacement of the existing seniors facility, with a minimum disruption to residents, is a minimum requirement of any redevelopment of Crofton Manor.

The site is located within the Arbutus Ridge, Kerrisdale, and Shaughnessy (ARKS) community. The ARKS vision calls for additional planning study and community consultation before a rezoning can take place for both seniors housing and for existing CD-1 sites.

What's happening

Phase 2 consultation

An applicant-hosted open house was hosted on October 15, 2019, with the surrounding community. At this event, four site design options were shared and input was sought.

Feedback was collected and summarized by the applicant in the following document. 

Draft planning and development principles

We've proposed draft planning and development principles, including:

  • Minimize disruption to residents during redevelopment and ensure no displacement of Crofton Manor residents
  • Provide a range of housing types, including affordable housing
  • Explore a range of options for site design, height, density, massing, and open space
  • Address views, visual privacy, building separation, and shadowing impacts on neighbours
  • Consider on-site amenities, such as an adult day centre, that can serve the community
  • Provide an on-site public open space 
  • Explore options for small, local-serving retail and commercial space on 41st Avenue


  • 1972

    The site was rezoned from RS-1 (One-family Dwelling) District to CD-1 District to permit the development of Crofton Manor seniors’ care facility.

  • 1989

    Three-storey building added to Crofton Manor site.

  • 2005

    ARKS Community Vision adopted

  • 2011

    Rezoning application approved to increase seniors housing. Application included new two-, three- and six-storey buildings and a 1.12 FSR.

  • 2013

    CD-1 bylaw enacted but proposal is not built.

  • 2018

    Planning process to consider redevelopment of Crofton Manor begins.

  • We are here
  • May 2018 - present

    Public consultation

    • Community open house
    • Meetings with neighbourhood groups
    • Meetings with advisory groups
  • 2020

    Rezoning application submission. This phase will include a City-hosted open house, other opportunities for public input, and detailed staff review of the application.