Northeast False Creek Joint Working Group

The Northeast False Creek Joint Working Group (NEFC) had now ended. 

When the group was active, it advanced policy for Northeast False Creek and acted as a forum for developers to present preliminary options on the future development of their sites. It screened these proposals and provided applicants with feedback to consider before submitting a formal rezoning application.

In October 2015, Council approved the replacement of the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts and the future development of the NEFC. Council also approved the replacement of the NEFC Joint Working Group with a stewardship group that will bring a broader citywide focus to help advise on detailed area planning and the engagement process.

In 2016, staff brought forward the terms of reference for the Northeast False Creek Stewardship Group for Council's consideration.

How we work

The Northeast False Creek Joint Working Group will provide a forum for developers to present preliminary options on the future development of their sites. This review will provide the Joint Working Group with an early screening of proposals and applicants with feedback to consider prior to submitting a formal rezoning application.

The Working Group is not a decision-making body. No votes will be taken in the meetings. The work, analysis, and recommendations of the Joint Working Group will be reported to Council at key points prior to Council making a decision. City Council will make the decisions on policies.

Meeting frequency

The Northeast False Creek Joint Working Group meetings are on the first Thursday of each month. If there are time-sensitive agenda items, the group may agree to meet for additional meetings when required.

Members of the Northeast False Creek Joint Working Group

  • Albert Fok, Vancouver Chinatown BIA
  • Ann Phelps, Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival
  • Annette O'Shea, Yaletown BIA
  • Bob Laurie, Vancouver Board of Trade
  • Brent MacGregor, PavCo
  • Daisen Gee-Wing, Canadian Metropolitan Properties
  • Daniel Ho, Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association
  • David Negrin, Aquilini
  • Deanna Geisheimer, ArtWorks Gallery
  • Debra Barker, Crosstown Residents Association
  • Douglas Swanston, False Creek Alert Network
  • Elizabeth Allegretto, Concord Pacific
  • Graham McGarva, Downtown Vancouver Association
  • Henry Tom, Vancouver Chinatown BIA
  • Herman Mah, Downtown Vancouver Association
  • James Cheng, James Cheng Architects
  • Jennifer Ingham, Science World
  • John Barnes, Central Heat Distribution Ltd.
  • Jonathan Bleackley, Vancouver Public Space Network
  • Kate Hodgson, Network of Inner City Community Agencies
  • Kate Hunter, PavCo
  • Kathy Gibler, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
  • Kevin Dale McKeowen, Alliance for Arts
  • Leslie Adams, Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Association
  • Mark Mazzone, Aquilini
  • Matt Meehan, Concord Pacific
  • Michael Alexander, City Conversations SFU
  • Pat Graca, False Creek Residents Association
  • Patsy Dairon, False Creek North Neighbourhood Association
  • Patsy McMillan, False Creek Residents Association
  • Patti Smolen, Tourism Vancouver
  • Peter Webb, Concord Pacific
  • Riaan DeBeer, Aquilini
  • Shirley Chan, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
  • Simon Litherland, False Creek Rowing Club
  • Stephen Pearce, Tourism Vancouver

City of Vancouver staff

  • Brian Jackson, City of Vancouver
  • Catarina Gomes, City of Vancouver/Park Board
  • Catherine Neill, City of Vancouver
  • Devan Fitch, City of Vancouver
  • Holly Sovdi, City of Vancouver
  • Kevin McNaney, City of Vancouver

Meetings, agendas, and minutes

Find out what is planned for Northeast False Creek

Northeast False Creek

Northeast False Creek is the last big piece of undeveloped waterfront land in downtown Vancouver.