Most fire-related deaths are a result of inhaled smoke.
Every dwelling unit (new or older home) is required by the Vancouver Building By-law to have smoke alarms installed. If your home currently doesn't have hard-wired smoke alarms, you must install battery-operated smoke alarms.
When your smoke alarm beeps, first get everyone out of the premises. When everyone is safely out of harm's way, phone 9-1-1 to report the fire.
Steps to making sure your smoke alarm is working PDF file (308 KB)
Find out more about fire and life safety
Vancouver Fire Rescue Services teach fire and life safety courses where you can learn valuable life and safety skills, and gain hands on fire extinguishing experience. Register yourself, or arrange for us to teach your group to prevent fires in your home, business, school, and other private and public places.
Contact Fire Prevention
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
600 - 575 W 8th Ave
Vancouver BC, V5Z 0C4