Hastings Community Centre

Hastings Community Centre

Squash court bookings are available at West End, Dunbar, and Champlain Heights community centres.

What you need to know

Hastings Community Centre, located across from the PNE and Hastings Park, has activites and programs for all ages.

We offer childcare, a family drop-in centre, gymnasium, games room, fitness centre, and racquetball court. Outside, there is a tennis court, a playground, and water park.

Our centre is associated with nearby Templeton Park Pool.

Hastings Community Centre and Fitness Centre

Register for recreation programs and services

  • Register for activities
  • Drop-in schedules
  • Recreation passes
  • Facility use requests

Register for, purchase, and view recreation programs and services

Fitness centre

Our facility has cardio and strength training machines, free weights, and a stretching area.

Spring guide (3.49 MB)

See schedules and programs for leisure and fitness activities at Hastings Community Centre.

Room rentals

Hastings Community Centre has a variety of spaces to suit your needs: wedding, corporate function, meeting or other event.

Follow us on social media

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Hastings Community Association

The Hastings Community Centre and Templeton Park Pool are jointly operated by the Vancouver Park Board and the Hastings Community Association .

The Hastings Community Association makes sure the community is represented at the Centre, Templeton Park Pool, and in local planning and development issues, such as the redevelopment of Hastings Park.


Free WiFi is available at this location.

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Neighbourhood pool

Templeton Park Pool

Templeton Park Pool is an indoor pool that is wheelchair accessible. We also have a small but functional fitness centre.