Stanley Park seawall

Stanley Park Seawall restoration

The Stanley Park Seawall restoration project includes filling holes, replacing stone, stabilizing foundations, and installing material to protect against water erosion at priority locations between Brockton Point and Sunset Beach.

This project is now complete.

Learn more about Stanley Park


Construction of the Stanley Park Seawall began in 1917 and continued for the next 70 years.

The seawall provided protection for the park from open waters and served as a promenade around the park. The Stanley Park Seawall was officially declared complete on September 21, 1980, when paving was completed between Third and Second Beach.

Since 1980, the seawall has been extended outside of Stanley Park and today provides a 28 km uninterrupted waterfront route used by millions of visitors each year.

The seawall is subject to seasonal battering, as well as large storms, which cause damage and deterioration to the structure.

The Park Board did a comprehensive assessment of the seawall in 2013 and 2016 to identify and prioritize the work for this restoration project. 

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