Restoration of a waterfront park by Vancouver Park Board

Park renovation

We design parks to be durable, however all parks eventually age to the point where their amenities and materials need updating.

Renovations may include a variety of details such as playgrounds, sports fields, or water features.  

What's happeningMusqueam Creek trail bridge upgrade completed

We have finished replacing the trail bridge over Musqueam Creek in Musqueam Park.

New bridge featuresMusqueam trail bridge replacement over Musqueam Creek

  • Steel structure 
  • Precast concrete deck
  • Steel and timber guardrails
  • New plantings along the creek bank

Alder Bay dock

The dock for non-motorized watercraft in Alder Bay is nearing the end of its service life and needs replacing.

Beaver Lake

The Vancouver Park Board is restoring and enhancing Beaver Lake in Stanley Park. Get project news, details, and background information.

Burrard View Park food forest project

Partnering with Vancouver Urban Forest Foundation, we're installing a new food and culture community garden.

Coopers Park renewal

We have an exciting opportunity to expand Coopers’ Park into the adjacent area under Cambie Bridge.

CRAB Park at Portside

We will be piloting two new Portland Loos and installing a new drinking fountain at CRAB Park at Portside.

General Brock Park

We are creating a new vision for General Brock Park to support a vibrant community.

Harbour Green Dock

The Vancouver Park Board is planning to renew the damaged dock at Harbour Green Park.

John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park

We are developing a master plan for John Hendry Park and Trout Lake. Find out how you can be involved, and get park plan updates.

Slocan Park Youth Hub Renewal

Slocan Park is set for renewal to replace play infrastructure and introduce accessible, multi-use amenities for a diverse range of users.

Sport Field Strategy

We want to increase the supply of synthetic turf playing fields to meet the needs of field sport users in the city.

Tatlow Park playground renewal

The Vancouver Park Board will be upgrading the playground in Tatlow Park.

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