General Brock Park:
- Has been identified as being in need of improvement in the Norquay Village Community Plan PDF file (7 MB)
- Is listed as top priority for renewal in the Norquay Village Public Benefits Strategy PDF file (2 MB)
General Brock Park is a 1.44 hectare neighborhood park located in the northwest corner of Norquay Village, one block north of Kingsway.
Through the VanPlay Initiative zone assessment, this area (compared to other areas in the city) was identified as having:
- Low amounts of park space per resident
- High demand for affordable and accessible recreation
- Fewer street or park trees
What's happeningNew vision for the park
We are creating a new vision for General Brock Park to support a vibrant community.
In our first round of public engagement, we heard from the community on topics including park use, current conditions, and future visions.
In the second phase, we shared a draft concept design and asked for feedback. Based on feedback we heard from the community, changes have been made to the following amenities in the final concept plan:
- Playground
- Multi-sport court
- Natural features
- Picnic area
The final concept plan is now available. This project will be presented to the Park Board for decision in July 2023.