Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections
On June 22, 2022, Council approved the Broadway Plan, which introduced enhanced tenant protections for renters in the Broadway Plan area, in addition to the existing City-wide Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP).
Learn more about the enhanced Broadway Plan area protections
On June 26, 2024, the same enhanced protections were extended to Transit-Oriented Areas and to RM zones in the Grandview-Woodland Plan area.
Have questions about enhanced tenant protections in these areas? Email us at housingpolicy@vancouver.ca
For other renter-related concerns, visit renter supports and protections.
What you need to know
Applicants seeking to redevelop or do major renovations with existing tenants may be required to support their renters during the relocation process by following our Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy.
Reduce the impact on renters
Redevelopment and renewal of Vancouver's existing rental housing is important so that renters today and tomorrow can live in safe, suitable homes. However, redevelopment can displace and stress renters, especially those with low incomes and individuals with other barriers to appropriate housing.
All landlords undertaking redevelopment or renovations must follow the requirements set out in the BC Residential Tenancy Act External website, opens in new tab
The Province updated their guidelines for ending tenancies for redevelopment and renovation. Review the Provincial Tenancy Policy Guidelines 2.B.: Ending a Tenancy to Demolish, Renovate, or Convert a Rental Unit to a Permitted Use External website, opens in new tab
We've developed a guide for landlords and tenants on renovations in rental apartments. This guide is intended to provide information on the types of renovations typically seen in rental apartment buildings, the types of permits generally required by our Zoning and Development By-law and Vancouver Building By-law, and the potential impact on existing residents. Review the information guide PDF file (623 KB)
Protecting tenants' privacy
Tenant relocation relies on tenants' personal information about income, family size, age, disability, and contact details.
Recognizing the sensitivity of this information, we abide by special data protection procedures prepared in collaboration with the provincial Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner:
- Only necessary information is requested from tenants
- It is transmitted and stored in a secure manner
- It is destroyed after use
- Tenants may decline to share any or all information, as they see fit
Furthermore, applicants (landlords) have access to a limited set of information and are required to store and use tenant information appropriately.
When the Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy applies
The Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy was amended by Council on June 11, 2019.
For some applications, the amendments will not apply and the previous policy requirements will remain in effect. In other circumstances, the 2019 policy will apply immediately.
Review the amended 2019 policy PDF file (150 KB)
For information on policy requirements for applications where the policy prior to June 11, 2019 applies, see the following Tenant Relocation and Protection document:
The policy applies to rezoning and development permit applications only, including tenants being displaced from the following rental unit types:
- Primary rental stock (purpose-built market rental housing, rental units above commercial spaces, multiple conversion dwellings with five or more units)
- Non-profit social and co-op housing
- Secondary rental stock (rented houses, suites, laneway houses, condos) where there is a for a new multiple dwelling of five or more units involving the consolidation of two or more property lots.
A number of exclusions apply.
What’s in a tenant relocation plan
When the Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy applies, each individual who applies for a development permit or rezoning that could require renters to permanently or temporarily relocate needs to provide a tenant relocation plan. City staff will approve this plan, as part of the application process, before issuing the permit or approving the rezoning.
For projects proposing market housing (either rental or strata ownership), at a minimum, the plan must provide the following to each eligible renter:
- Free rent or equivalent financial compensation based on how long the renter has lived in the building:
Total years rented | Minimum compensation |
1 up to 5 | 4 months rent |
5 up to 10 | 5 months rent |
10 up to 20 | 6 months rent |
20 up to 30 | 12 months rent |
30 up to 40 | 18 months rent |
More than 40 | 24 months rent |
- Four-month notice to end tenancy after all permits are issued including associated building and trades permits (this requirement comes from the BC Residential Tenancy Act)
- Assistance with moving costs:
Unit type | Minimum compensation |
Studio and one-bedroom | $750 or arrangement of insured movers |
Two-bedroom or more | $1,000 or arrangement of insured movers |
- Upon request, assistance with identifying at least 3 alternate accommodations must be provided. Options will be provided that best meet the tenant’s identified priorities, such as:
- Stated budget preference
- Neighbourhood
- Specific preferences (example: pet-friendly, close to schools, smoke-free)
For low income tenants or tenants with other barriers to housing, the applicant may be required to provide additional support to the tenant in securing an affordable and suitable housing option.
- For additional assistance with relocation for tenants with relocation barriers, the applicant may be required to provide a stipend to offset relocation difficulties (up to $2,500) or pay for costs related to relocation, such as unit modifications, assistance applying for housing, packing, or translation services.
- Where redevelopment is for market rental housing, tenants will be offered right of first refusal to move into the new building with a 20% discount off starting market rents.
Applicants applying to renovate or redevelop existing non-profit social or co-op housing must follow a separate set of policy requirements under the Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy for non-market housing.
Tenant protections specific to the Broadway Plan area, Transit-Oriented Areas, and RM zones in the Grandview-Woodland Plan area
Council approved the Broadway Plan on June 22, 2022, providing a 30-year framework integrating new housing, job space, and public amenities with the new subway.
The plan includes new enhanced tenant protections and supports for renters in the plan area focused on choice for existing renters impacted by redevelopment to stay in their neighbourhoods.
On June 26, 2024, the same enhanced protections were extended to Transit-Oriented Areas and to RM zones in the Grandview-Woodland Plan area.
The following additional requirements will apply to tenant relocation plans in these areas where the proposed redevelopment includes secured rental housing:
- Right of first refusal for existing tenants to return to the new building at their current rent, or a 20% discount on city-wide average market rents, whichever is less
- Tenants may choose to receive a temporary rent top-up as a monthly payment during construction of the new building or as a lump-sum payment
- Returning tenants will return to new homes that are an appropriate size for their household
If you have any questions about the enhanced protections, contact housingpolicy@vancouver.ca.
If you are a tenant with an ongoing tenant relocation plan or have questions about whether you qualify for assistance, contact us at trp@vancouver.ca or call 604-673-8001.
Email TRP@vancouver.ca or call 604-673-8001 for questions related to our Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy.