On January 17, 2018, Council unanimously adopted Vancouver: A City for All Women, Women’s Equity Strategy 2018-2028 PDF file (5.4 MB).
On March 10, 2021, Council adopted Phase 2 of the Women’s Equity Strategy PDF file (1.5 MB).
The strategy reflects our vision to make Vancouver a place where all women have full access to the resources provided in the city and have opportunities to fully participate in the political, economic, cultural, and social life of Vancouver.
The strategy addresses the issues faced by women in five priority areas:
- Applying an intersectional lens to strengthen City processes and inform decision-making, further to the City's Equity Framework PDF file (553 KB)
- Addressing safety, including violence against women
- Accessible, quality childcare
- Safe and affordable housing
- Women’s leadership and representation within our workforce
What's happeningUN Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Scoping Study
We are one of six Canadian cities that is part of the UN Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces, a global initiative led by UN Women. The first step in the initiative is to understand where sexualized violence is more likely to occur in Vancouver, what issues need to be prioritized and how the City can address sexualized violence through a scoping study.
March 10, 2021 - Council approved Phase 2 (2020 – 2023) of the Women’s Equity Strategy. Review the full progress report to Council PDF file (263 KB), including a final update on Phase 1.
November 25 to December 10 - We took part in a global initiative to galvanize action to address gender-based violence, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.
June 3 to 6, 2019 - Vancouver hosted Women Deliver 2019, the world's biggest conference on gender equality. During Women Deliver External website, opens in new tab, we offered free programming at the Vancouver Public Library’s Central Branch and other locations in the city, including an information booth on the Women’s Equity Strategy.
May 29, 2019 - Interim report to Council on the status of Phase 1 actions PDF file (240 KB)
January 17, 2018 - Council approved Women’s Equity Strategy
January 16, 2018 - Report to Council PDF file (5.6 MB)