To create a great city of communities, which cares about its people, its environment, and the opportunities to live, work and prosper.
Vancouver is a mix of different religions, ethnicities, and cultural groups from all over the world and Canada's Indigenous communities.
Staff and Council value this diversity, because it is a source of the city's strength, vitality, and prosperity.
To make sure that all of our citizens – regardless of background – have complete access to civic services, and live free of prejudice and discrimination, we offer a wide range of programs and support.
Programs and Initiatives
Historical discrimination
We're working with the community to recommend steps for reconciliation with Chinese people.
Vancouver Immigration Partnership
Learn how we are working with diverse community sectors and organizations to support and integrate newcomers into local communities.
Illuminate City Hall and Burrard Street Bridge
Apply to light up City Hall and the Burrard Street Bridge for your community's cultural celebration or religious holidays.
Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program is designed to help new immigrants to Vancouver find work that is relevant to their education, skills, and experience.
Restoring Chinatown
The Chinatown revitalization plan will bring residents together to help preserve the area's heritage, while bringing new life to the community.
Political and religious expression
Council encourages religious groups to pass on their message on City streets, by providing them with a free permit.