Large apartment building with balconies

Multi-family buildings and hotels

All steps to complete and submit an energy and carbon report are the same for commercial and multi-family buildings.

Review steps to report data

Under the Annual Greenhouse Gas and Energy Limits By-law  (212 KB), existing multi-family buildings must submit an annual energy and carbon report starting in January 2025 if they are greater than or equal to:

  • 4,645 square metres
  • 50,000 square feet

Existing multi-family buildings are not required to comply with greenhouse gas intensity limits and heat energy limits requirements under the Annual Greenhouse Gas and Energy Limits By-law.

Reporting period for large multi-family buildings

Size of multi-family building Data year Reporting deadline

Greater than or equal to:

  • 9,290 square metres
  • 100,000 square feet
2024 June 1, 2025

Greater than or equal to:

  • 4,645 square metres
  • 50,000 square feet
2025 June 1, 2026

Need help?

Review FAQ, guides, and training videos that explain how to register properties in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® and our Building Performance Reporting System. 

If you can’t find an answer to your question, contact us and schedule and appointment by:  

Subscribe for updates

Join the Energize Vancouver mailing list to learn about upcoming requirements and support for existing large commercial and multi-family buildings. Receive reminders of important deadlines. 

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