Drawing of large high rise buildings with  63, 75,  and 54 energy scores displayed on different buildings

Report your building’s energy and greenhouse gas emissions data

What you need to know

If you own or manage a large commercial building greater than or equal to 9,290 square metres (100,000 square feet) in Vancouver, you are required to:

  • Report energy and carbon data
  • File your completed report by June 1, 2024, and June 1 for each subsequent year to avoid a penalty

 Starting January 2025, all commercial buildings greater than or equal to 4,645 square metres (50,000 square feet) and multi-family buildings greater than or equal to 9,290 square metres (100,000 square feet) will be required to report their energy and carbon data.  

Steps to report your building’s energy and greenhouse gas emissions

Owners and managers of large existing commercial buildings greater than or equal to 9,290 square metres (100,000 square feet) in Vancouver must submit energy and carbon data by June 1, 2024.

Not sure if your buildings are subject to an energy and carbon reporting requirement?

Look up your building

Before you begin: Review the Annual Energy and Carbon Reporting Reporting How-to Guide  (2 MB)

  1. Set up an account with ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®   (ESPM)
  2. Share a complete profile with City’s ESPM account. (This step is necessary before you file your BPRS report.)
  3. Claim your building in our Building Performance Reporting System (BPRS)

Regulations and benefits of energy carbon reporting


Pay GHG By-law notice

Pay your GHG (greenhouse gas) By-law notice online, or pay by phone or in person.

Commercial buildings

Requirements for owners and managers of existing large commercial buildings (retail, office, and more).

Multi-family buildings and hotels

Requirements for owners and managers of existing large multi-family buildings.

Need help?

Review FAQ, guides, and training videos that explain how to register properties in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® and our Building Performance Reporting System. 

If you can’t find an answer to your question, contact us and schedule and appointment by:  

Subscribe for updates

Join the Energize Vancouver mailing list to learn about upcoming requirements and support for existing large commercial and multi-family buildings. Receive reminders of important deadlines. 

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