Understand utilities

The amount of money you are charged for your water and sewer utilities depends on whether you are charged a flat rate (you pay the same amount regardless of your consumption), or whether you are charged a meter rate (you pay based solely on what you have consumed).

All other utility charges (such as garbage, yard trimmings, food scraps and recycling collection) are flat rate.

Utility billing, rates, and meters

Billing schedule

Find out when you will receive your utility bills: billing schedules for meter and flat rate utilities.

Flat rates

Find out what the rates are for flat rate utilities in Vancouver.

Meter rates

Find more information about meter rates for water, sewer, and energy.

Water meters

Understand how water meters work and how they help us conserve our drinking water supply.

Paying your utility bill

The City offers you four ways to pay your utility bill:

  • Online
  • By mail
  • City Hall's mail slot
  • In person

Learn more about the ways to pay your utility bill.

Learn more