Understand your utility meter bill

Water rates change seasonally, based on supply

During wetter months from mid-October to April, you are charged a lower water rate because there is more water available.

In drier months, the water rate is 25% more since there is less water for everyone and it costs more to supply.

This seasonal rate encourages us to help Vancouver meet its goal to reduce per capita water consumption by 15% by 2030. We all benefit from this goal because it:

  • Reduces the strain on our existing water system, eliminating the need for costly system upgrades that could lead to higher utility rates
  • Helps us live within our water means, ensuring that all residents have access to abundant safe, clean water, no matter how much the city grows

When to expect your bill

You should receive your bill in March, July, and November, based on meter readings we take at the beginning of February, June, and October.

Typically, commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-family residential properties have measured utilities. All new single family home and duplex water connections (as of January 2012) will have water and sewer meter service as well.

Water and sewer bill sample


A Account number This is your meter utilities account number.
B Due date Pay your utility bill by the due date. Late payments will receive a 5% late payment fee.
C Billing period/to The dates of the billing period apply to flat rate charges (non-consumption charges) like the meter charge.
D Folio number

For most accounts, the folio number is unique to the property and stays with it even if the property is sold. In the case of a strata with three or more units, the folio "complex" is displayed. This indicates that the utility bill is for multiple units at the property.

E Date of the latest meter reading This is the date that the meter was read for the current bill.
F Meter number Meter's registered serial number
G Current reading Current reading number
H Previous reading

Previous meter reading number

I Measured consumption What has been consumed (equals current reading less previous reading)
J Activity or transaction date

This is the date you were billed.

K Water meter It is the consumption in units multiplied by the water rate.
L Sewer meter It is 85% of water consumption multiplied by the sewer rate.
M Meter charge Meter charge is the flat rate charge for the current billing period (see C).
N Late payment Amount due if paid after the due date
O Penalty 5% penalty applied (loss of discount) if the bill is not paid by the due date
P Net cost of services Amount due if paid by the due date.

Review high water consumption

Running faucet

If you notice your water consumption is drastically higher than normal, we can review your high consumption to find out if there is an underground leak.

Review high consumption

Learn more about meter rates and bills

Meter rates

Find more information about meter rates for water, sewer, and energy.

Paying your utility bill

Find out how much you owe on your utility bill and what payment options are available.

Paying your utility bill

The City offers you four ways to pay your utility bill:

  • Online
  • By mail
  • City Hall's mail slot
  • In person

Learn more about the ways to pay your utility bill.

Learn more