Is your water consumption on your utility bill a lot higher than normal?
Have you received a notification letter from us informing you of high water consumption?
- Check to see if there are any plumbing problems that can cause high water usage, such as:
- Running toilets, dripping faucets, and so on.
- If there has been a change in tenancy use, for example, a new tenant may be using more water than a previous tenant.
- If you can't find the cause for high usage, complete our online form to request a review by a water inspector. When completing the form, have this information ready:
- Property address
- Utility account number
- Brief explanation of your request
- Property owner’s name and phone number
- Contact name, email address, and phone number
What to expect from our review
We will contact you to discuss your case.
If the Meter Shop or Water Conservation staff visits your property to conduct an investigation, there may be a $124 site visit fee. This fee will be billed as a service charge on your next utility bill.
Utility bill adjustments for an underground leak
If we find that the cause of the high water consumption is an underground leak between the service pipe and the main building, you may be eligible for a bill adjustment after repairing the leak.
Information icon No internal or above-ground leak, or auxiliary water feature is covered for a utility bill adjustment (for example, irrigation systems, fountains, pools, hot tubs, and so on).
You will be asked to provide documentation of the underground leak repair (like a plumbing invoice or a materials receipt).
Any adjustment will only be made if the repair was initiated within two weeks of notification from us on the high water consumption (this includes a utility bill showing an abnormal increase in water usage), and will only be given to a maximum adjustment period of six months.
Learn more about meter rates and bills
Meter rates
Find more information about meter rates for water, sewer, and energy.
Water and sewer bill
Having trouble understanding your bill? Find an explanation of your utility meter bill.
Learn about water meters
Water meters
Understand how water meters work and how they help us conserve our drinking water supply.