Facilities that accept Flexipass and 10-visit passes

All rinks and pools accept Flexipasses and 10-visit passes

Ice rinks

We have 8 indoor ice rinks. Review their locations, features, and amenities.

Swimming pools

We have 9 indoor and 5 outdoor seasonal pools. Review their locations, features, and amenities.

Fitness centres that accept Flexipasses and 10-visit passes


Britannia Community Centre is located at 1661 Napier St in Vancouver. Amenities include a pool, ice rink, a fitness centre, and more.

Champlain Heights

The Champlain Heights Community Centre is located at 3350 Maquinna Drive in Vancouver. Amenities include a fitness centre with sauna and more.


Creekside Community Centre is located at 1 Athletes Way, Vancouver. Amenities include a fitness centre, a gymnasium, yoga studios, and more.

Douglas Park

Douglas Park Community Centre is located at 801 West 22nd Avenue. Amenities include a gymnasium, pottery studio, fitness room, and more.


Dunbar Community Centre is located at 4747 Dunbar St, Vancouver. Amenities include a fitness centre, dance studio, pottery programs, and more.

False Creek

False Creek Community Centre is located at 1318 Cartwright St, Vancouver. Amenities include a fitness centre, tennis courts, gymasium, and more.


Hastings Community Centre is located at 3096 E Hastings in Vancouver. It has a fitness centre, tennis courts, racquetball courts, and more.


Hillcrest Centre is located at 4575 Clancy Loranger Way in Vancouver. It has an indoor and outdoor pool, an ice rink, a fitness centre, and more.


Kensington Community Centre is located at 5175 Dumfries St in Vancouver. It has a an indoor pool, a fitness centre, and more.


The Kitsilano Community Centre is located at 2690 Larch St in Vancouver. It has a fitness centre, an ice rink, and more.

Lord Byng Pool

Lord Byng Pool is a wheelchair-accessible indoor swimming pool in Point Grey with a fitness centre.


Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre, located at 990 W 59th Ave, offers a gymnasium, multi-purpose rooms, sport courts, fitness centre, and more.

Mount Pleasant

The Mount Pleasant Community Centre, located at 1 Kingsway, offers a dance studio, fitness centre, gym, games room, youth centre, and more.


RayCam Co-operative Centre is located at 920 E Hastings St. It has support services, pre-school and day-care program, a fitness centre, and more.

Renfrew Park

Renfrew Park Community Centre, located at E 22nd Ave and Renfrew St, offers fitness centre, gym, indoor pool, games room and more.


Amenities include a fitness centre, gym, games room, and playground. The centre is located at 601 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC. 604-713-1838.

Templeton Park Pool

Templeton Park Pool is an indoor pool that is wheelchair accessible. We also have a small but functional fitness centre.


Thunderbird Community Centre is located at 2311 Cassiar St, Vancouver. Amenities include a fitness centre, gym, games room, and more.

Trout Lake

Trout Lake Community Centre is located at 3360 Victoria Dr, Vancouver. Amenities include an arts and pottery studios, fitness centre, and more.

Vancouver Aquatic Centre

The Vancouver Aquatic Centre (VAC) is a naturally-lit, indoor pool with a swim training facility and a fully-equipped fitness centre.

West End

The West End Community Centre is located at 870 Denman St in Vancouver. Amenities include a dance studio, fitness centre, ice rink, and more.

West Point Grey

West Point Grey Community Centre is located at 4397 W 2nd Ave in Vancouver. It has a pottery studio, fitness centre, gym, and playground.