Indigenous community partnerships
City staff help community members gain access to services, overcome barriers, and have a voice in government.
They also bring together groups to explore opportunities, build networks and cross-cultural understanding, and share information.
Finally, staff participate in Indigenous community initiatives in order to stay in touch with key issues and concerns, and make sure Indigenous perspectives are considered during decision making.
Aboriginal Community Policing Centre
The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre (VACPC) was developed to provide a safe place where community members can gather to identify, discuss, and address justice and safety issues in Vancouver.
It also serves as a positive link between the Indigenous community and the Vancouver Police Department (VPD).
VACPC strives to engage and support people to better understand and use the services of the VPD, and to rebuild a healthier relationship.
Metro Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy
City staff sit on the steering committee for the Metro Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy (MVUAS). We help coordinate policy responses, and enhance partnerships for capacity development and funding initiatives.
MVUAS is a federal initiative that supports the growing Indigenous populations living in Canada's urban centres. Their goal is to improve the social and economic conditions for Canada's urban Indigenous Peoples through partnerships and collaboration.
Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study: Vancouver Report
The Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study (UAPS) is a snapshot of the hundreds of thousands of Indigenous people who now live in Canadian urban centres.
The UAPS Vancouver Report is the sixth in a series of city reports, and focuses specifically on Vancouver. It was commissioned by City, along with The Metro Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy, and the Vancouver Foundation.