Secure bicycle parking at events

Friendly bike valet service provides free bike parking at events

When you host an event, consider adding valet parking for bicycles. Bike valet provides free, convenient and secure bicycle parking for concert-goers, sports fans, and those attending festivals and community events.

How bike valet works

When bike valet service is available, valet staff and volunteers will park the bikes of event-goers in a safely secured enclosure and give you a numbered ticket. At some events, panniers, bags, and helmets can be left with the bike when parked. After your event, simply return your valet ticket and collect your bike.

Bike valet stations are also a great source of information about cycling and sustainable transportation in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Bike maps, safe cycling guides, and tire pumps are commonly available at bike valet stations.

Bicycle valet service for event-goers

How to arrange bike valet service at your events

If you are an event organizer, you can set up your own bike valet service in multiple ways.

  • Rent racks and fences yourself, and arrange for volunteers to park the bikes
  • Hire the bike valet service provided by BEST (Better Environmentally Sound Transportation)

Bicycle valet service for organizers

Benefits of bike valet

  • Provides secure parking for bikes, and accessories; safer alternative to locking bikes to poles and fences
  • Located in convenient areas or central locations
  • Reduce the number of cars, and the frustration of event traffic and parking
  • Reduces the harmful emissions caused by idling vehicles and congested traffic at events
  • Encourages increased event attendance by providing a safe, convenient and secure place to park bikes, and an alternative to taking a car or transit to an event.