View parking ticket adjudication hearing evidence

The City of Vancouver will present evidence at your parking ticket adjudication hearing, including photos provided by the bylaw enforcement officer.

You can view the evidence online 14 days before your hearing. Complete the online form using the following information from your parking ticket or bylaw notice:

  • Notice number
  • Issue date
  • Issue time 

You can print your own copy of the bylaw enforcement officer's evidence for reference.

View hearing evidence

Present your evidence

You can present your own evidence at your scheduled hearing for the adjudicator to consider in any of the following ways:

  • In person before your hearing at City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Revenue Services (Ground Floor), or at your hearing, City Hall, Ground Floor, Room 116
  • By email to 10 business days before your hearing
  • By phone during your phone hearing

 The adjudicator only makes a decision as to whether or not you broke the parking bylaw as reported by the bylaw enforcement officer. Personal circumstances are not considered. Adjudication hearings are open to the public. All evidence presented during hearings can be seen by the public.

Know the parking rules

Parking tips, regulations, and by-laws

Avoid getting a ticket by knowing the top parking laws. Park smart by following this guide to parking bylaws in Vancouver.