Sunrise over downtown Vancouver

Capital Plan

What you need to know

The Capital Plan is a four-year financial plan for investments in our city's infrastructure and amenities.

A network of well-maintained infrastructure and amenities supports the delivery of our services and ensures Vancouver continues to be a vibrant place for those who live, work, and play here, now, and into the future.

What infrastructure and amenities the Capital Plan supports

Infrastructure and amenities include:

  • Parks
  • Sidewalks
  • Sewer pipes
  • Community facilities such as recreation centres, and libraries, municipal facilities, affordable housing (in partnership with other levels of government), public safety facilities, and more

2023-2026 Capital Plan

On June 29, 2022, City Council approved the 2023-2026 Capital Plan  (3 MB) ($3.5 billion).

The plan dedicates significant funding to maintain and renew aging amenities and infrastructure, and:

  • Includes investments in new/expanded amenities and infrastructure, to support our city’s population and employment growth
  • Supports advancing climate mitigation and adaptation work, and setting aside funding to leverage senior government partnerships

Service categories

The 2023-2026 Capital Plan proposes $3.5 billion of capital investments, over these service categories.

Existing assets
New assets
Pie Chart with caption "2023-2026 Capital Plan - Investments in existing assets"Childcare $11 millionParks & open spaces $94 millionWaste collection, diversion, & disposal $135 millionCommunity facilities $183 millionArts, culture, & heritage $31 millionPublic safety $71 millionCivic facilities & equipment $41 millionTechnology $110 millionWater, sewers, & drainage $783 millionHousing $17 millionStreets $304 millionRenewable energy $5 millionEmerging priorities $126 million2023-2026 Capital Plan - Investments in existing assets(1.909 BILLION)

How funding is distributed

The 2023-2026 Capital Plan has been organized into 13 program investment areas. 

How capital projects and programs are funded

We use two views to help describe the way capital programs and projects are funded: the funding source and financing method.