Curbside patio permit

What you need to know

If you had a summer patio permit in 2024 and are not proposing any changes, you may renew the permit for summer 2025. You will receive a renewal notice by email on March 1, 2025.

For new curbside patio applications OR to make changes to a previously permitted patio, apply for a: 

  • Summer (simplified application):  Permit valid April 1 - October 31
  • Summer (regular application): Permit valid April 1 - October 31

If you have a valid BC liquor licence and LCRB approval, you can serve alcohol to patio patrons.

A curbside patio may be located in the curb lane of the street (on-street parking, road space, or street plazas) in front of or on the side of a ground floor business storefront. 

Permit requirements

Apply for a curbside patio permit

Review the requirements and apply.

Contact us

Location - by appointment only
5th Floor
507 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 0B4

Monday to Friday
9am to 4pm

Mailing address
Engineering Services
320 - 507 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 0B4