Private patio permit

Restaurants, cafés, distilleries and breweries can apply to have outdoor seating on private property. A development permit is required for each type of patio. 

Private patios must remain closed between 11pm and 7am unless an exception is indicated on your business licence, patio permit, and/or liquor licence. Liquor service is allowed, restrictions apply.

Types of patios allowed on private property

Year-round permanent patio permit

  • The total number of guests, including the patio, cannot be more than you are allowed by your occupancy permit. 
  • If you would like to permanently increase occupancy, you may do so. However, you may be required to add more customer washrooms or increase your exit capacity. ( Other upgrades may be required under the Building By-law).
  • A building permit will be required as part of the approval process.
  • You must renew your development permit annually, but only need to apply once. You do not need to renew the associated building permit.
  • The patio may extend onto public property if you have also have a sidewalk patio permit. 
  • This has a higher one-time application fee. Once approved, you only need to renew the permit each year. 

Summer patio permit - valid from April 1 – October 31

  • You may be eligible to temporarily move up to 50% of your existing seats onto the summer patio.
  • The patio must not intrude on adjacent properties.
  • The patio must be removed by November 1.
  • This patio has a lower application fee, but you must apply for it each year. 

Permit requirements

Apply for a private patio permit

Review the requirements and apply.